
Memory Chisel chess blogs

The Bayonet Attack

Grandmaster Vladimir Kramnik is super theoretical when playing against the King’s Indian Defense.  His style has magic and unpredictability makes him dangerous to play with.

The Bayonet Attack is one of several Anti King’s Indian systems that creates a strategy where the bishop at g7 becomes inactive or creates a strategy not allowing black to control  the tempo in the middle game.  


CHESS BLOG No. 5 / Date: 16th July 2021


King’s Indian Defense: Orthodox Variation  (E97)  Chess Opening Classification

GM Vladimir Kramnik vs. GM Alexander Grischuk

(Event: 2012 Tal Memorial- Moscow, Russia – Round 2)

1: Nf3    Nf6   
2: c4      g6
3: Nc3     Bg7
4: e4       d6
5: d4      0-0

6.  Be2   e5     
7.  0-0    Nc6        

8.   d5    Ne7     

9.   b4     Nh5   (White is using the Bayonet Attack)
10. g3     f5      (Other move for white is 10. Re1)      

11. Ng5   Nf6   
12. Bf3    c6   (bishop at f3 controls diagonal)
13. Bg2   h6
14. Ne6  Be6  (pawn at e6 creates  a stress for black)

15. de6   Nxe4 

16: Nxe4   fxe4
17: b5        Rf6

18: Bxe4  Rxe6  
19: Qa4    d5   (critical position here)
20: Rd1    Kh7
21: cxd5  cxd5     
22: Qb3   Rb6
23: a4      a6
24:    (White to move, Analyze the position)



Memory Chisel chess blogs

The Krasenkow Variation


Tribute to GM Michal Krasenkow

23/7/2021 – In recognition of GM Michal Krasenkow’s contribution to chess theory, I would like to thank him for this wonderful move 4. g4 “The Krasenkow Variation”.  Recently, at 57, he represented Poland in the World Cup 2021, reached the 3rd round but lost to 15 year old Indian chess  genius GM Rameshbabu Praggnanandhaa  on tiebreak games. I want to share with you one of his best games using the “Krasenkow Variation”.

The Krasenkow Variation:   is an attacking chess opening variation to disrupt black’s kingside.  This variation is used especially if you know your opponent plays the Nimzo-Indian or the Bogo-Indian defense as black. Therefore, to avoid the mainlines, white must play 1. Nf3 first as first move.


CHESS BLOG No. 9 / Date: 23th July 2021


English Opening: Krasenkow Variation  (A18)  Chess Opening Classification

GM Michal Krasenkow vs. GM Oleg M. Romanishin

(Event: 2000  Leonid Stein Memorial, Lviv, Ukraine  – Round 1)

1: Nf3      Nf6       
2: c4        e6
3: Nc3     Bb4      (In Nimzo and Bogo, this is effective but not in Krasenkow)

4: g4 !!    0-0        (4.g4 move is anti-theory)   
5: g5        Ne8      (To retreat is to surrender)

6. Qc2     d5         (Do you notice about white? its reversed Sicilian now…) 

7. b3        Be7      (it seems, Bb4 move is useless..)     

8. Rg1     c5         (black needs to counter before its too late) 

9.      e3      Nc6     

10.   Bd3    f5   
11.   gxf6   Nxf6   (Black’s kingside is vulnerable)     

12. a3        Qe8

13. Bb2     Qh5  
14. Be2      d4     
15. Nxd4   Nxd4  

16. exd4    Qh2   

17: 0-0-0   cd4     (Black is unaware of white’s tactical threat)

18:  Ne4     Qf4

19:  Bd3     Ne4 
20:  Be4      h6

21:  Bxd4    Bf6
22:  Be3      Qd6

23:  c5         Qa6 
24:  a4         Qa5 

25:                        (Analyze this position)    



Memory Chisel chess blogs

Kasakhstan's Future GM

17 year old special talent

24/7/2021 – Chess skill can be developed with the help of a chess coach. But according to Sun Tzu “Art of War” , knowing your own strength and weakness is essential to self improvement. Other than what you learn from your coach, you need to self-research and learn how to create your own study method. Sun Tzu also stated that you must also know your opponent other than yourself to win every battle. IM  Bibisara Assaubayeva is a special talent combined with focus and determination to improve. Currently, she is playing  in the 4th round  of  World Cup 2021 – Ladies Division representing Kazakhstan. In my opinion, she will be Women World Chess Champion someday.

Sicilian Najdorf – Poisoned Pawn Variation:   is a complex opening variation, sacrificing the pawn at b2 to gain quick development for white.  However, black can equalize by careful defense to prevent attack at the center or  kingside.

CHESS BLOG No. 10 / Date: 24th July 2021

poisoned pawn1

Sicilian Defense: Poisoned Pawn Variation  (B96)  Chess Opening Classification

GM Kateryna Lagno vs. IM Babisara Assaubayeva 

(Event: 2021  World Cup, Sochi, Russia  – Round 4)

1: e4        c5     
2: Nf3     d6
3: d4       cxd4      

4: Nxd4  Nf6        
5: Nc3     a6          (The Najdorf variation)

6. Bg5     e6         

7. f4        h6          

8. Bh4    Qb6         

9.     Qd2    Qb2    (The Poisoned Pawn Variation)   

10.   Rb1    Qa3     (IM Assaubayeva seems well adept with this type of play)

11.   Be2    Nc6       

12.  Nxc6   bxc6

13. e5        dxe5    (White starts to  break the center) 

14. fxe5     Nd5     (Nice move)     
15. Nxd5   exd5  

16. 0-0      Bc5 ch  (great timing)  

17:  Kh1     Qe3     (exchanging queens is smart move)

18:  Qa5     0-0

19:  Bd3     Bd4
20:  Rbe1   Bb6

21:  Qa4     Qd4
22:  Qxc6   Qh4

23:  Qxb6   Be6 
24:  Qe3     Rab8 

25:  a3                   (Analyze this position)    


Marshall Attack

Memory Chisel chess blogs

Marshall Attack in World Cup 2021

GM Magnus Carlsen, chess blogs

GM Carlsen advanced to Semifinals

31/7/2021 – Fantastic performance by World Champion Magnus Carlsen in winning both games versus GM Bacrot, Etienne (France) in the quarterfinals. I have noticed  his deep understanding of the Marshall Attack as demonstrated in his  fantastic “queen sacrifice” game.

To chess beginners, let me introduce you to “The Marshall Attack” which is a theoretical contribution of  legendary US GM Frank Marshall. 

GM Etienne Bacrot used the Anti-Marshall Attack variation 8. a4, unfortunately, it was refuted by GM Carlsen’s flawless execution as shown in his game.

Ruy Lopez  – Marshall Attack:   This variation teases white to take the 8…d5 pawn  in return to quick development at the same time, and aims to attack white’s kingside. It is a gambit but white must think twice to accept it  because it’s dangerous and tricky.


CHESS BLOG No. 13 : Date: 31th July 2021


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Ruy Lopez:   Marshall Attack (C89)  Chess Opening Classification

Walter Frere vs. GM Frank Marshall

(Event: 1917  New York , USA )

1:  e4        e5     
2: Nf3     Nc6
3: Bb5     a6          (The Ruy Lopez)     

4: Ba4     Nf6        
5: 0-0      Be7          

6. Re1      b5         

7. Bb3     0-0         (Remember this white’s bishop move at b3)          

8. c3        d5          (The Marshall Attack)

9.     exd5    e4     (In early times, this is popular move).   

10.   dxc6    exf3  (Very dangerous position for white)  

11.    d4        fxg2           

12.   Bf4      Bg4

13.   Qd3     Nh5     

14 .  Bxc7    Qxc7  (black is setting a trap) 

15. Qe4       Nf4

16. Qxe7     Qxe7  

17. Rxe7      Bf3  (white resigned)

marshall attack2 last



At move 8, GM Bacrot played 8. a4 (anti-marshall) instead of the normal 8. Re1. But the anti-marshall setup did not materialize because of GM Carlsen's genius deviation.


At move 14... d5, Marshall Attack is activated. Its up to GM Bacrot to accept the poison pawn at e5. Notice the white's bishop at a2 will become a useless piece.


Now, analyze the position why white is in danger here. The way GM Carlsen combines his tactical genius and his exemplary skill to dissect the smallest weakness of opponents position, justifies why he is very difficult to be dethroned as world chess champion.



Welcome to Memory Chisel. Your Mental Health Awareness Platform

hope courage love2 2022

Chess is the best recreational activity to rewire the brain. Please view the YouTube video of a person diagnosed with Alzheimer's regained memory. USE IT OR LOSE IT.

Welcome to Memory Chisel: Your Mental Health Awareness Platform

Memory Chisel has Self-Care strategies to combat mental stressors due to lockdown and other mental issues cause by Covid19 pandemic.  Memory Chisel’s platform aims to help the brain stay sharp…

Current News and Events are presented on daily basis to inform the public about CLIMATE CHANGE

Climate Change: News and Events

Memory Chisel has Self-Care strategies to combat mental stressors due to Climate Change. 

Memory Chisel’s platform also informs the public about what is happening on increasing crisis caused by climate change.

Mental Health is the No. 1 concern globally due to pandemic, war in Ukraine, high cost of living and feeling of uncertainty...

Dementia Australia Chair, Prof Graeme Samuel AC, said on behalf of the half a million people living with dementia and the 1.6 million people involved in their care Dementia Australia is extremely grateful for the $229.4 million allocated in this budget to dementia (

Dementia Australia also has several educational and entertaining virtual reality technology and Apps to deliver experiential learning aimed at increasing empathy (

It has been a roller coaster event for many organizations dedicated to solving the increasing numbers of people susceptible and suffering from Onset Alzheimer’s.

What makes us vulnerable to this disease, why people are diagnosed too late and the effects on family and economic burden has been unacceptable to cope with. I have taken care of patients with Dementia during my nursing clinical placements, and I realized the dilemma of how difficult it is to manage a person with almost total loss of memory. How much more to the family who has just vanished or erasedunrecognizable faces came to visit her, felt like strangers…

The Australian Government has acted decisively to protect lives and livelihoods with $311 billion in health and economic support which has been central to Australia’s world‑leading response to COVID‑19.

This Budget extends a range of COVID‑19 health response measures which continue to protect Australians’ health throughout the pandemic. These measures include support to continue access to telehealth, COVID‑19 testing and support for residential aged care (

Memory Chisel is focused on looking for answers since there is no cure yet for this deadly disease. We are into indicators of loss memory or incurring memory lapses by recreational memory testing and cognitive testing using App or Web based ( By answering some tests online, we may measure data to compare results as well as we also conduct brain stimulation activities such as teaching online chess ( ).

Chess has the full capacity to activate the 4 lobes (frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital) of the brain by learning how to play the game of chess. Many scientific studies have already proven that chess can maximize your brain neuroplasticity ( ). Being a chess master, I have not encountered an active chess player (club player, online chess, street chess and tournament player) with onset Alzheimer’s.

Neuroplasticity -the ability of the brain to rewire ( ). The more our brain stimulates the more healthy our brain runs.

Covid19 pandemic has devastated the lives of people globally. We must move on, be strong to fight back and claim back our normal lives. 

Being the Founder of Memory Chisel), I encourage everyone of all ages to engage in physical exercise, start engaging in mental exercises such as playing chess. Also, do not forget to engage in social activities, healthy balanced diet, community engagements, and a power nap.  Memory Chisel’s platform aims to help the brain stay sharp…Happy to serve the community…. Founder/Coach/FM Jesse Noel Sales.

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