Youngest ever undisputed World Chess Champion in 1985 at age 22
Grandmaster Garry Kasparov is one of the most successful and respected players in chess history. He authored “My Great Predecessors” and one of my favorite books” Fighting Chess”.
He still coaches but if he has time, plays in Invitational Tournaments.
The King’s Indian Defense is one of the most feared black chess openings versus 1. d4. It plays a highly tactical game that if you do not defend well, may wreck your kingside or the central control. There are several white openings that somewhat stick to methodological strategy to tame the attack of the King’s Indian Defense. Please check the image below.

CHESS BLOG No. 2 / Date: 10th July 2021

King’s Indian: Classical Variation (E99) Chess Opening Classification
GM Jeroen Piket vs. GM Garry Kasparov
(Event: 1989 Interpolis 13th, Tilburg, NED – Round 8)
1: d4 Nf6
2: Nf3 g6
3: c4 Bg7
4: Nc3 0-0
5: e4 d6
The King’s Indian Defense. This is GM Kasparov’s favorite black opening when playing versus 1. d4. Its concept is to close the position, strikes the center or the king side.
6. Be2 e5 (white plays solid setup
7. 0-0 Nc6 (black strikes the center)
8. d5 Ne7 (best square for the knight)
9. Be2 Nc6
10. Ne1 Nd7 (This is the idea, pawn storm coming soon…)
11. Be3 f5
12. f3 f4 (white needs to defend accurately here)
13. Bf2 g5
14. b4 Nf6 (white must counter attack)
15. c5 Ng6 (dangerous maneuver by black)
16: cd6 cd6
17: Rc1 Rf7 (black needs to defend the queenside)
18: a4 Bf8 (preparing rook to g7 and defending d6)
19: a5 Bd7
20: Nb5 g4 (black must counter attack)
21: Nc7 (White is creating a stress play at queenside, if you play black, how do you respond? Evaluate the position.

CHESS BLOG No. 1 / Date: 7th July 2021

King’s Indian Defense: Saemisch Variation (E80) Chess Opening Classification
GM Smbat Lputian vs. GM Garry Kasparov
(Event: 1976 Tbilisi – Round 2)
1: d4 Nf6
2: c4 g6
3: Nc3 Bg7
4: e4 d6
5: f3 Nc6
The Saemisch Variation. Solid yet attacking opening. This style of play will attack black’s kingside opting to castle queenside.
6. Be3 a6 (black delays castling)
7. Qd2 Rb8 (in case black will castle early queenside)
8. Rb1 0-0 Yes… this is a sign that black will strike soonest…
9. b4? e5 (well timed move)
10. d5 Nd4
11. Nge2 c5 (nice move!!)
12. dc6 bc6
13. Nxd4 exd4
14. Bxd4 Re8
15. Be2 Analyze this move, What will be black’s best moves…. think 5 moves ahead….