Arise! Awake! and stop not until the goal is reached
Swami Vivekananda
Swami Vivekananda
Chess & School
"Genius is 1% talent, 99% is hard work - Albert Einstein"
Chess & School
"Genius is 1% talent, 99% is hard work - Albert Einstein"
Chess & School
"Genius is 1% talent, 99% is hard work - Albert Einstein"
Chess & School
"Genius is 1% talent, 99% is hard work - Albert Einstein"

- Super successful CEO's and Founders who are chessplayers-

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Chess Scholarships and other benefits playing chess

Proverbs: 4:7 – Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.

Using chess as a tool to develop cognitive development at an early age.

To my readers (students), allow me to be your teacher just for this moment of reading time. To start with, let me discuss how to adjust schedules between extra-curricular activities such as sports/chess & school.

There comes a time when you decide to limit playing sports/chess because exams are coming that you want to prioritize only your studies, henceforth if you are in the primary level, the subjects are all basic that you must learn such as English and Math. In high school, the more the study load, the harder you may handle time in sports or chess.

Furthermore, in college, normally, theories and applied knowledge are significant on a technical point of view to provide you skills foundation when you graduate. Therefore, you do not have any more quality time to play your favorite sports or chess. What are your priorities? Is it chess? Is it your studies in school?

Many universities and colleges (USA, Philippines etc..) compete in Annual Inter Universities or Collegiate Chess Championships.

This is a huge opportunity for students to be able to gain free education via chess scholarships. Chess develops mental training such as reading chess books at a very young age, memorizing and understanding chess openings, discovering the ability to focus, calculated risk, deep analysis, spatial aptitude, determination, strategy, planning, emotional intelligence and decision making when you play as a child.

From then on, as you age, you increase your horizon by curiosity such as studying IT, Data Science, Software Engineering, Robotics, Law or Physics. You looked back, and realized. We owe it all by playing chess as it molded us to think what are the right moves or best moves in life away from vices such as drugs, smoking, wild partying, chasing too much wasteful fun because chess is about life not chess as a board game.

Thus, learning chess at an early age (4 or 5 years old) would benefit children on cognitive engagements such as problem solving, learning to read and write chess moves, discovering the ability to focus and social IQ.

Please check the table to guide you.

Chess & School

To become successful in school and chess, be careful with the decision making in encountering temptations such as peer pressure from your classmates. With these obstacles, your foundation as a thinker (chess player), is your weapon to do the right moves in a manner how you play chess.

Chess & School

With your chess foundation, you are carrying with you an intellectual armory against temptations shown above.

For student’s mostly in the primary level or elementary level, if you have problems concentrating your studies in school or it is difficult for you to improve your marks or grades.

Let us help you improve your cognitive process such as memory enhancement, discover the ability to focus, learn how to read and write chess notes, ability to solve chess problems, strategy and logic. We will guide you on your improvement between academic and chess.

Register at login page for us to accommodate you to this program – FM Jesse Noel Sales/Bachelor of Nursing (Mental Health) graduate – Western Sydney University/ Founder -Memory Chisel 

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