The King's Indian Chronicles 2

GM Anand's Bayonet Attack
10/10/2021 – Former world champion GM Viswanathan Anand is 1. e4 specialist. But in this game, he chose to play 1. d4 to challenge GM Teimour Radjabov’s favorite black opening “The King’s Indian Defense”.
Our featured two (2) games are both interesting yet highly entertaining. The 1st game, GM Ivanchuk played the 9. Ne1 line. Young GM Radjabov controlled the tempo in the middle game, sacrificed a piece at g4 to destroy white’s defense. Let’s fill our curiosity and enjoy both games….cheers.

CHESS BLOG No. 38 : Date: 10th October 2021
The 9. Ne1 variation vs. King's Indian Defense
1st Game : Check diagram below (GAME VIEWER 1)

GM Vassily Ivanchuk was not able to counter black's intense grip in controlling the center. The force of black's pieces at kingside is unstoppable, there is no solution but to surrender the game.
GM Radjabov 9...a5 vs. the Bayonet Attack
2nd Game: Check diagram below (GAME VIEWER 2)

GM Teimur Radjabov 9...a5 has no option to stop white from undermining the queenside. After 14. Qxh5, white controlled the game with accurate defense. In the endgame, white is pawn up and better piece placement to find the winning combination.