24/7/2021 – Chess skill can be developed with the help of a chess coach. But according to Sun Tzu “Art of War” , knowing your own strength and weakness is essential to self improvement. Other than what you learn from your coach, you need to self-research and learn how to create your own study method. Sun Tzu also stated that you must also know your opponent other than yourself to win every battle. IM Bibisara Assaubayeva is a special talent combined with focus and determination to improve. Currently, she is playing in the 4th round of World Cup 2021 – Ladies Division representing Kazakhstan. In my opinion, she will be Women World Chess Champion someday.
Sicilian Najdorf – Poisoned Pawn Variation: is a complex opening variation, sacrificing the pawn at b2 to gain quick development for white. However, black can equalize by careful defense to prevent attack at the center or kingside.
Sicilian Defense: Poisoned Pawn Variation (B96) Chess Opening Classification
GM Kateryna Lagno vs. IM Babisara Assaubayeva
(Event: 2021 World Cup, Sochi, Russia – Round 4)
1: e4 c5
2: Nf3 d6
3: d4 cxd4
4: Nxd4 Nf6
5: Nc3 a6 (The Najdorf variation)
6. Bg5 e6
7. f4 h6
8. Bh4 Qb6
9. Qd2 Qb2 (The Poisoned Pawn Variation)
10. Rb1 Qa3 (IM Assaubayeva seems well adept with this type of play)
11. Be2 Nc6
12. Nxc6 bxc6
13. e5 dxe5 (White starts to break the center)
14. fxe5 Nd5 (Nice move)
15. Nxd5 exd5
16. 0-0 Bc5 ch (great timing)
17: Kh1 Qe3 (exchanging queens is smart move)
18: Qa5 0-0
19: Bd3 Bd4
20: Rbe1 Bb6
21: Qa4 Qd4
22: Qxc6 Qh4
23: Qxb6 Be6
24: Qe3 Rab8
25: a3 (Analyze this position)
Profession: Registered Nurse Chess Title: FIDE Master/ FIDE Chess Rating: 2339/ Education: Bachelor of Nursing (Mental Health)/ BSIT Founder: Memory Chisel University: Western Sydney University - Australia/ EARIST- Philippines
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